Monday, October 1, 2007

LI-Dog Meeting

October LI-DOG Meeting Moves to Smithtown!

The LI-DOG meeting scheduled for Thurs., October 4 th will be held at the Millennium Diner, at the corner of Main Street (Route 25) and Route 111 in Smithtown, instead of the Huntington Public Library as usual. We'll start dinner at 7 p.m. and the meeting at 7:30 p.m.

On the agenda:

- The latest development at Blydenburgh, West Hills, Coindre Hall, Southaven, Gardiners and other dog parks
- News on the designation of 5 New Dog Parks in Suffolk County
- Progress on a Dog Park 101 educational program
- Plus, plans for LI-DOG social events.

If you want to help create new dog parks on Long Island, help plan social events for fellow dog owners and their dogs, and meet up with like-minded people, come to the LI-DOG meeting on October 4th. Please email us at by Thursday at noon so we can let the restaurant know how many people to expect.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.